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DiA Imaging Analysis

DiA Imaging Analysis was acquired by Philips 2023.

Using its technology DIA is helping clinicians, in all level of experience, objectively and accurately, analysis ultrasound imaging, therefore making ultrasound accessible to all.
DIA invented an AI ultrasound analysis technology based on advance pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms that automatically analysis ultrasound images.
The company first line of products "LVivo Cardiac Toolbox" that is FDA cleared and CE marked, integrated as part of ultrasound devices and healthcare IT systems, such as GE Healthcare, Ebit (Esaote group), Neusoft.
DIA has reference sites at leading USA medical centers including Yale, RUSH, Mount Sinai and USF.


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Hila Goldman Aslan

Founder & CEO

DiA Imaging Analysis


Hila Goldman Aslan has been leading Med-Tech companies for over 15 years. She joined DiA Imaging Analysis as a co-founder and CEO.
Hila has led DiA through all stages from seed, through proof of concept, regulatory clearances and sales, Including closing investments rounds and implementing DiA’s technology in leading ultrasounds devices. DIA is now the market leader in AI ultrasound analysis. Hila is a passionate speaker, serial entrepreneur, creative "doer" and known as able to get the job done. She also empowers women on the Hi-Tech scene by lecturing and taking an active part in various women’s forums.

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